Golden Eagles, alive and healty at Kelly Place, eggs a-plenty!
Golden Eagle Sightings! Hiker: Marc Yaxley
On a short 1 hour hike today, I caught a quick video of a mom Eagle launching right over me. I had stumbled near and below a rock outcrop where she had made her seasonal nest and loaded it with eggs. Being a bed and breakfast at first I thought "how many people can I feed with one of those eggs?", then sanity returned and the lowly chicken eggs will have to suffice.
Here is a snap of that video of her launching from the nest that I visit next:

Looping over my head as I "hung out in the Eagles Nest"
(I limited my visit to 2 to 3 minutes only):

More fairly close (20') shots of her swooping around me as if to say, " better not touch those babies...":

The nest niche they live in, two full size adults were in service as I came up, they both flew off as the above photos show, leaving their Eaglet for me to spy on:

Mom flying over while I looked around, she didn't like my 2nd visit to take reference pictures:

With her flying and making the Eagle call outs, many more local Eagles were in the air in all 3 of our canyons on the look out for a "predator" beast on 2 legs coming through....
This one was in the next canyon, there were two more flying around on the look out there for the "beast" coming through:

Out of respect of nature, I did not approach
the Eaglets or Nest closer than 20', some photos
were cropped to appear closer than I was.
A reference site on the big birds:
AboutBirds.Com: Golden_Eagle Overview
All in a day,
AboutBirds.Com: Golden_Eagle Overview
All in a day,